2011 November
November 2, 2011

Jameson Patrick
was born to
Kristy and Kevin McKee

Weight: 6 lbs. 3 oz. ~ Length: 19.5 inches
We welcome him into our hearts with much joy!

Josh Turns 30!
Josh, Cristie, Catalina

Happy Birthday Josh...it's par-tee time!

Good brother, good conversation, good emails, good phone calls, good golf...

Does life get any better than that?  David

Josh, Catalina Megan
Josh, Michael Megan, Catalina, Miles
Josh, Michael, Jake
  Mission accomplished!
2 WLV Ganders...Wanted dead or alive - $10.00 REWARD each!
Catalina, Josh, Cristie
Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed!
Email 11-8-11...Grandma! I lost my first tooth :) savannah

Dad and Mom's ... 62nd Anniversary

"To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven"

Megan, Grandma Mary
David, Megan Den, George

Josh emailed...Look who said hello this morning during my morning golf round.

I emailed back...Ah...J A K E:-))

David, Miles...woke up at 6:45a.m. to play LEGOS!
Miles making toast for Megan and David
David, Miles, Megan
Miles back to make more toast for he and David!
Playing Connect 4...David, Miles, Megan
Megan Garrett
David, Miles, Megan, playing Garrett's wii game
Megan, Miles, David
Miles looking in the mirror says..."I see lots of Grandma Mary's"
David, Megan, Miles

We got your

chocolate pie

for Thanksgiving

Grandpa Den!


Grandpa Den /dad emailed David, Miles and Megan back from the office...

Ahhh...LOOK how happy I am!

Megan, Miles, Grandma Mary
Miles, Megan, David
David, Miles, Megan
David, Miles
Miles took a picture of David and Grandma Mary Megan, Miles
Miles, David

Thanksgiving 2011

Michael, David
Den, Michael
Megan, Michael Frank, Den
Miles, Tara
David Tara, Miles, Perry
Miles, Grandma Mary Great-Grandma Jean, Michael, Megan, Miles, Tara
Miles, Perry, Michael Tara, Megan
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