January 2011
David's turns 18 on New Year's 1-1-11

Sadie Krysteena Knapp posted on your Wall.

 Sadie wrote:

"happy birthday!"

Becky Linn posted on your Wall.

 Becky wrote:

"hApPy BiRtHdAy DaViD!!!!!  Have fun bowling today :)  We love you and miss you very much!!"

Cristina And-Joshua Linn posted on your Wall.

 Cristina wrote:

"Happy Birthday David. . . 18 years old!"

Dear David,

Wow! I can't believe that you are 18 years old now. I can remember when you were just a little baby!!!

Well, your grown up now and becoming a respectable young man. A good man.

To be a good man you must keep working hard to be the best you can be and remember to be helpful to your Mom and Dad whenever you can.


Happy Birthday, and Best Wishes.


Paul and Jake kidnapped David at 6:30 am and took him to birthday breakfast!
Cristie, Catalina, Josh
Michael, Miles, Tara, Megan
Savannah Wendy, Josh
Michael, Miles, Megan, Tara
Isaiah, Sadie Sadie, David, Jake
Mary, David
Michael Miles, Josh
Den Wendy, Savannah, Miles, Michael
Catalina, Grandpa Den  
Jared Preston
  Tara, Miles, Michael
Isaiah, Summer, Sadie Aaaron
  Sadie, Josh, Cristie
How fast...18 years went! Jake and Preston get David with silly string

















The first 18 years!                    



Catalina, Josh, Den
Cristie, Catalina
Michael, Jake, David
David let's his birthday balloons go up to Big Jake in heaven
David Josh, Catalina, Cristie
David, Cristie, Josh, Catalina
Catalina (10 mos.)
Catalina, Mary, Cristie, Josh

Happy Birthday daddy!

Michael's 28th birthday

Megan, Clydy dog

Michael called from chair 23...to see how Megan was doing and emailed us these pictures


Email to mom and dad ~

Boot Camp for Megan girl...

I rolled over with a finger help from grandma Mary...

and encouragement from David!

 I Love You (mom and dad),

Megan girl

Oh, no not again...Megan's tired!
Catalina having lunch with the ducks
David, Megan, Catalina
  Megan (4 mos), Catalina (10 mos)
  Grandma Mary, Savannah, Megan, Catalina

Email...Michael's birthday dinner at roberto's! Miss u Meg! Love mommy& daddy

Megan's boot camp began before her morning bottle...to roll from back to tummy

Emailed...Hi mom and dad

 At 7:30 AM this morning I ROLLED OVER on my play pad ALL BY MYSELF!

I LOVE YOU!  Megan girl

Megan then rolled over FOUR (4) times in 15 minutes!

We played the Olympic music for her each time in CELEBRATION (her light up octopus)

Megan's working on "tummy time"...boot camp is tiring!
Sadie, Isaiah
Sadie, Aaron and friends
Gina's 50th celebration!
Jean, Gina, Frank Den, Megan
Bob and Gina's family Mary, Den, Sharon
Miles, David
Grandma Mary, Miles
  Good Night Miles!
Josh David, Jake
Cristie, Catalina Paul (printing for Wendy)
Josh, Miles, Catalina
Catalina, Miles, Cristie, Josh
Miles, Josh Catalina, Cristie
Catalina (10 mos), Miles 2 years
Den, Cristie, Catalina, Miles, Josh
Michael flying over our home
Miles is ready to go home and to sleep
Wendy Cassidy

     Sadie's email...hi grandma. isaiah:) 9 months. on jan 25 isaiah took 3 steps by himself:)                                   He can stand up by himself without holding onto anything.

AHS Dinner/Mystery play (David, Tara, Michael)
Fr. John Esseff gave a retreat to Mother Teresa's sisters in India
Megan (5 mos.) Savannah, Preston
Skyping (Catalina, David, Josh, Cristie)
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